About us

Belgium AgSO - AG Stedelijk Onderwijs Antwerpen (Belgium) coördinates the ALiCE project. AgSO is the public authority centre for the Municipal Education of Antwerp. The Municipal Education includes 116 schools on 172 locations spread over the city of Antwerp. It can count on more than 6.500 employees and 55.000 learners in the fields of preschool and primary education, secondary education, special education, adult education and part-time art education.

Belgium KdG - Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Belgium) is one the largest universities of applied sciences and arts in Flanders, Belgium, with 7 campuses in Antwerp and more than 13.000 students. KdG offers 17 professional and 1 academic bachelor programmes in different fields of study. KdG strives to incite intercultural dialogue and awareness, both within its curricula, its student body and many of the research projects it undertakes.

Portugal U Lisboa - Universidade de Lisboa is the largest and most prestigious university in Portugal and it is one of Europe’s leading universities. Located in the heart of the city of Lisbon, it provides its entire community with the best and most diverse academic programs, vowing to deliver a uniquely enriching experience. ULisboa is responsible for making the city of Lisbon one of the great European capitals of culture and science, as it welcomes around 8900 foreign students every year from over 100 countries, who are seeking high quality education as well as a different culture, delightful weather and the hospitality that Lisbon, and Portugal, have to offer. The Instituto de Educação (IEULisboa) is the school of the Universidade de Lisboa committed to research, training and public intervention in Education and Training. Over the past years it has been distinguished in various international rankings as a leading institution in the domain of Education in Portugal.

Norway OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway) . The participation of Oslomet will be implemented by the Department of Youth Research at NOVA – Norwegian Social Research, in close collaboration with Department of Teacher Education of Primary and Secondary Schools. NOVA is one of the largest social science research institutes in Norway (85 full time researchers). The institute conducts research on different aspects of society and the welfare state. Teacher education at OsloMet with approximately 5,000 student teachers is one of the largest in Norway and educates app. one third of the teachers in the Norwegian schools. OsloMet coordinates the ongoing research project DEMOCIT (2020-2023) focusing on citizenship education in Norwegian lower secondary schools.

Italy CIRPE - Centro Iniziative Ricerche e Programmazione economica (Italy) has given great importance in the socio-welfare area, focusing its attention on those who live in a condition of social, cultural and economic disadvantage and on the "weak" persons within the job market. Since 2004, the association has expanded its range of action, supporting the training of young people in compulsory education and training and setting up guidance counters also for the prevention of early school leaving and dropout. To this end, it has formalized a partnership with first and second degree educational institutions in the provinces of Palermo, Catania and Caltanissetta.

Slovenia LUV - Andragoski zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje (Slovenia) is a public non-profit adult education institution providing education and support to various target groups. LUV takes an active part in regional community by improving the educational structure of the population, by motivating and informing the members of the community and by involving them in the formal and non-formal educational programs. Programs include primary school for adults, programs for vocational secondary education, professional secondary education, language and ICT courses adapted to various target groups. LUV is also active in local environment by supporting rural areas through development programs and trainings to improve basic and entrepreneurial skills.

Lithuania SPI - Socialiniu projektu institutas (Lithuania) is a private, independent organization, which is not subordinated either physically or morally for any commercial structure, political party, religious confession. SPI goal: We strive for comprehensive progress in society. Mission: Creating and implementing of social projects for public benefit: project development, provision of information of social interest, information exchange between institutions, research, surveys, exhibitions, trainings, competitions, support for citizens by helping to achieve or promote their legitimate goals. SPI works together with universities, VET, learning centres, schools, social enterprises, public institutions, social service centers and NGO’s.

Czechia EC - Euroface Consulting s.r.o. (Czech Republic) is a training and consulting organization fostering links and transferring innovation into education and business sector (SME), with regional, national and international outreach. Euroface is a strong partner of schools and ensures the transfer of innovation into primary and vocational secondary schools (e.g. implementing work based learning into the curriculum, enhancing the implementation of STEM education into schools ´environment, transfer of critical thinking into pedagogical approach, introducing motivating and stimulating learning games for young dyslexic adults to train specific skills and to prevent a school failure etc. Euroface is engaged in fostering equal opportunities at the labor market, in particular, Euroface team provides individual career counselling to disadvantaged people at the labor market such as low-skilled, long-term unemployment people, young people without work experience etc.

Bulgaria NTC - National Training Center (Bulgaria) is a private adult education and training company established in 1999 and is dedicated to supporting, advancing and promoting innovative education and training practices, through research projects education. This includes developing and supporting international research partnerships and projects, coordinating major partnerships with other educational organisations and the private sector. Active in the field of business and entrepreneurship training since its foundation in 1999, NTCenter has been developing a strong research profile into education and training methodologies and assessment models since 2003. In 2004 NTCenter was licensed to operate the Adam Smith College of Management, an adult vocational business school, which became a key element of its activities contributing to a very strong profile in designing training programmes, authoring training content and experimenting newly developed methodologies.