Example of a best practice from Italy

" The video interview above documents the outcome of an interdisciplinary workshop where we tried crossing physical education and civics modules to deal with one of the most problematic classes in our vocational school in terms of attendance and academic performance. In fact, our school operates in one of the most suburban and deprived settings in the city of Palermo (Italy). Therefore, we have tried to shift the focus from the classroom set-up to field activities by establishing virtuous partnerships with local Sports Promotion Associations that are particularly recognized by the students. The result is an important formative evaluation tool with which we can acquire useful information to rethink our teaching models".

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Kaunas in Lithuania hosted the 7th transnational project meeting in December 2023, the 5th. All partners organizations were represented there. The main discussions concerned the learning platform and MOOC developed within the project. Participants also turned back to the training event in Palermo (October 2023) and highlighted the parts from discussions and presentations to be published and shared at the platform (eduface.app). Participants have agreed about creation of short video podcasts of selected teachers presenting their examples.

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Training session 2 - ALiCE Sustainability in Palermo, 11.-12.10.2023

From experimental action to sustainable implementation at schools
Teachers from 9 European countries involved in the project ALiCE met after a year in Palermo, Sicily. The main part of the programme was sharing of experience in experimenting the formative assessment methods in active citizenship education. Teachers discussed in groups according to the topic of practice and subject of teaching, and on plenary session listen to inspirational lectures and exchange ideas. A great atmosphere was supported by the host, C.I.R.P.E.

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Despite the end of the school year teachers through all partners´countries are getting ready for the second workshop which will take place in October 2023 in Palermo. All participating teachers are involved in preparation of the content which will ensure the workshop itself will be fitted to their needs. All involved teachers are working on presentations on different topics, as "project work" or „peer and self-assessment“ and „engaging young people in school policy“ and others.

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All partners were keen and excited to have met in a beautiful city of Lisabon to discuss upcoming events in our project. The main focus was on preparation of the next training which will take place in Palermo in October 2023. Italian partners presented practical kit for the participants and also a venue where the training will take place was suggested. The content of the training was thoroughly discussed and worked on. The minor things will be touched up during the following months.

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From state of the art to viable action plans for schools

Almost 80 teachers from 9 European countries met in Kroměříž, the Czech Republic, 29.-30.9.2022 to discuss citizenship education and formative assessment methods. Great and collaborative atmosphere was the pinnacle of the event. Teachers were listening to lectures and consequently discussing and sharing their experience. Outputs of the event are available at this website in Outputs and training section.

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practice focusing on citizenship education. The training session is the first module of a teacher professional development course that aims at formative assessment methods. The participants are teachers at primary and secondary level and teaching civic education, history and other subjects where active citizenship might be implemented.
Kromeriz will host the event in the House of Culture (www.dk-kromeriz.cz) in the days of 29th and 30th of September 2022.

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In June 2022 project partners met in Ljubljana, Slovenia to discuss the progress done in the project. The main topic were collections of examples of formative assessment and how to share interesting findings and publish the results.
Special attention was given to preparation of the training event planned for September 2022 in Kromeriz, the Czech Republic. Attendants from all participating countries are expected to come to learn and find out more about formative assessment in regard to civic education, how to asses the competencies and to share their practices.

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After long and strenuous time, partners were finally able to meet face to face in a lovely city of Antwerps, Belgium on March 24th, 2022.
It was an exciting and lively meeting with many productive discussions and outcomes. First half of the meeting summarized the progress of focus talks in partner countries. Individual partners described the way they organized or would organize these focus talks, the teachers they involved or would involve and the tentative results. Second part of the meeting focused on the format of identifying learing goals of each partner country. After a long discussion partners agreed that defining the needs from local perspective was the key to be used. Each country will prepare a report based on the European and local levels.

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The first meeting of AlIce project partners was due to ongoing COVID pandemic situation held online on January 28th, 2022.
Partners discussed and worked on initial tasks of the project to start accordingly and in time. Key part of the meeting were the individual Workgroups of project partners bringing together good practices and ideas for the successful start of the project. As the project is focused on active citizenship education at schools throughout Europe, the key was to establish common grounds for the upcoming focus talks every partner will go through in their country. The goal of the Workgroups to set these common grounds was achieved and a guide and questionnaire were produced afterwards.